My projects so far 

Next.JS webshop for Elision

Next.JS webshop for Elision

This was a group project in which five students from different specializations worked together to create a webshop as a school project for Elision. For the front-end, we used Next.js as the framework. All the product information, including the terms and conditions, were retrieved from Contentful. Contentful was chosen to provide flexibility for the webshop owners to make desired changes easily. For styling, we chose Tailwind CSS, and the back-end was developed using Java and Spring Boot.

I served as the main front-end developer for this project and also provided some assistance with the back-end. My main task as a front-end developer was creating all the needed pages and retrieving all the needed information for these pages from Contentful. My work in the back-end consisted of ensuring we could create users with the needed encrypted passwords and enabling successful login functionality for these users.

Throughout this project, I gained extensive knowledge of Next.js and developed a strong preference for it, which is why I used it for my portfolio as well. In addition to improving my Next.js skills, I also significantly enhanced my teamwork abilities. Unfortunately, as the project has been completed, I am unable to showcase the hosted website. Therefore, this link will redirect to the Elision website instead.

Next.JS course

Next.JS course

I took this Udemy course to get a basic understanding of Next.JS as I needed to learn it to be able to complete the webshop mentioned above. This knowledge also ended up coming in handy when I needed to make this portfolio.

Project PHP
Laravel CRUD application

Project PHP

This was a group project for school. The premise of this project was that a consultancy company needed a website to manage all their clients and consultants.

My main job in this project was to make a CRUD page that could be used to manage the consultants.

Learning Laravel for this project was interesting, but my biggest improvement came from learning how to properly work with Git. Recently, I discovered that nobody from the group remembers the login information, so I can only show the login page for now.